Monday, April 20, 2015

Wildfire threatens 300 homes in drought-stricken Southern California By Joe Sutton and Ben Brumfield - Miles Sullivan

East of Los Angeles, over 300 acres of land have been scorched by a wildfire, and 335 homes are in danger while firefighters attempt to stop the fire. The drought in California has been plaguing the area for a while, and fueled the flames with the dry earth, allowing the wildfire to get to the size it did. Over 3 days, only 15% of the fire was diminished, but no homes or people have been harmed. California's drought is seriously starting to become a major threat to itself. I read that 70% of California's water is exported in water bottles across the country, maybe its time for that industry to take one for the team and preserve the state before it goes up in smoke. If other states from across the country who are blessed with large amounts of water could export some to California, events like this could be stopped before they even happen.


  1. These wildfire that have caused people to leave their home and businesses is similar to when people evacuated for Hurricane Katrina.

  2. Although wildfires are important to nature, they are unpredictable and it is important that the people living in the area are safe. For the amount of wildfires they have it is surprising that Californians seem unprepared with no kind of backup plan.
