Sunday, April 26, 2015

Higher Wages for Cafeteria Workers - Olivia Lambert 3rd Period

Gladden who is a Senate Cafeteria worker currently lives out on the streets because he does not make enough money to live on his own in a house or apartment. Gladden makes about $11 an hour, but he told CNN that he provides most of the money to his children and grandchildren who apparently need the money more than he does. Several of his colleagues who make the same salary can afford to live in a house but Gladden makes the claim that his circumstances are a lot different because he providing for other people as well. He also has a few health problems such as diabetes which has limited his time for work and other things.

I think this whole problem with minimum wage and salary draws back to the Fair Labor Standards Act because this act first established a minimum wage to sort of set the tone for wages and prices among workers. Gladden struggles to maintain a lifestyle under this wage because his uncontrollable disease (diabetes) is hindering his time to work. I think that if the manager of the Senate Cafeteria is willing to help Gladden out, then he should take it into consideration that Gladden is suffering and needs to be taken care of which mean raising his salary. Wages are designed to equalize all people so there is a low standard price for a job, yet when things get in the way of it that can't be controlled, there needs to be a raise because I guarantee that there is money out there somewhere to help Gladden.


Olivia Lambert 3rd Period

1 comment:

  1. Gladden sounds like a good man. Higher minimum wage HAS been proven to boost the economy of almost all areas it has been implemented in, due to the fact that people can then actually afford to BUY goods.
