Monday, April 27, 2015

Sisters Survive Two Weeks in Woods- Iris Hughey p.5

Leslie Roy, 52, and Lee Wright, 56, were driving from a relative's in Kalamazoo, Michigan when their truck got stuck in snow on a remote road in northern Luce County along Lake Superior. The two survived for 13 days on eight boxes of Girl Scout cookies,  some cheese puffs, and metled snow (water). Their car was spotted on Friday by a Michigan State Police helicopter and the sisters then got out of the car and began waving. Roy and Wright were finally rescued when the helicopter landed a few miles away on a beach and authorities hiked to them.

It's so scary to me that a car can get stranded on the side of the road and not be noticed for 13 entire days. It makes me wonder who else has been stranded or missing but was actually in plain sight. I'm glad the two sister are alright, though!



  1. First of all, I didn't know Kalamazoo was a real place (it's mentioned in a song in the Black Keys most recent album and I always thought they just made the place up to rhyme). Secondly, I do also wonder what and who else may have been stranded or missing. What does this mean? What can we do to fix it?

  2. I wonder how long they were out there before they were reported missing. It's great that they had supplies and they were ok.

  3. It's good that they survived. Even though we have advanced technology things still go wrong, we're left to the elements, and things can go bad. Thankfully it didn't go as bad as it could've in this scenario.

  4. It's amazing that they were able to survive. I also think that something should be done to prevent this from happening again.
