Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New Age Segregation in the Classroom? by Madeline Ibarra Period 2

A third grade class in South Bend, Indiana is torn over differing ideas about a "blacks only" field trip. Parents across many races are furious about the selective treatment in the classroom and call it "selective learning". The reasoning from the school board for the separation in the trip was because they claim that black students are less likely to go to college and they wanted to encourage the pro-college choice from an early age. The students were to be taken around higher education facilities across South Bend and have spoken to African American students currently enrolled and learn about the benefits of college. Parents anger sprouts from the inequality and unfair treatment of their students.

I see the goal that the school was pushing for but the way that they went about their mission was seen as an act of segregation. What they wanted was to encourage young African American children into attending higher education and that the street isn't the only life to live. there should be equal opportunity for the young students to learn outside of the school building but if they believe that the separation would be a better learning environment, the activities the students are taken on should be the same. In the small town, there is currently a battle between the parents and the school board because of these events. I hope that time will bring understanding among everyone.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/04/16/pkg-blacks-only-school-field-trip.wbnd


  1. I agree. I do believe that the school had the best intentions, but all races need to be treats equally and have the same encouragement. It is true that African Americans have less encouragement and do not attend college as much as some other races, and that does need to change as well. Either way, I think that this segregation shouldn't have happened, and everyone get the same encouragement.

  2. Yes, their action plan was all skewed. Especially since this was a field trip that would be taken during the school day. If you want specific people to go, don't do it in a time when the whole school should be considered for it. Do it on your own time. Maybe offer to pay for college visits for Aftican American students.

  3. Why couldn't everyone go? I am sure their hearts were in the right place, but it just doesn't make any sense to disclude people of (probably) the same economic level (since they attended the same school) just because they felt that some students needed it more. It is discrimination both ways, especially when it is done to children who don't understand why one child gets to go on a field trip and another doesn't.
