Monday, January 19, 2015

Two more planets in our solar system? - Madison Escano

Researchers suggest that "at least two" planets lie beyond Pluto

Spanish and British astronomers are now suggesting that there are two more planets to be discovered in the Solar System. This allegation is supported by the "unusual orbital behavior" of very distant space rocks called extreme trans-Neptunian objects or ETNOs. The ETNOs are dispersed some 150 Astronomical Units from the Sun. An AU is the span between the Earth and the Sun, which is approximately 93 million miles. As of now, the current list of planets goes to 8, with Neptune being the outermost planet. In 2006, Pluto was retired to the status of "dwarf planet" due to its size and its interference with Neptune's orbit. 

This is actually very exciting for both astronomers and mankind alike. The idea of two more planets in our Solar System raises questions like "can these planets support life," "have these planets ever supported life," or "how will these new developments help modern-day astronomy?" This kind of reminds me of the Space Age in which the Soviet Union and the United States were racing to land on the moon first. 


  1. This is really interesting. With the more knowledge in science that we gain,vine more information we can learn about our world. If these can support life it will kind of be like the formation of America all over again.
    Maddie Murphy pd. 6

  2. This discovery is a testimony to how far technology has come today and shows that our realms for scientific advancement are nearly limitless.
    -Vivie Behrens (Period 6)

  3. This is interesting, but I think I will be forever confused about how many planets we have if this keeps up
    -Kennedi Mayes

  4. That is really intriguing, although it may be more so to see if we can figure out the answers to those questions.
    - Hannah Kalan 6th Period

  5. I think this is very exciting. Space has always been almost surreal to most people; obviously we know its there but there is so much we don't know about it. This shows how far we have come as a race reaching out and discoing new things.

  6. I'm excited about this! Its always interesting to hear about new findings and observations made in space because its one topic I'm almost completely clueless about. I think if these two new plants can be a part of our solar system, then they should bring Pluto back as a planet!

  7. This is awesome! To think, the possibility of finding out that we are not alone in the Universe, and that we could have neighbors IN OUR OWN SOLAR SYSTEM! Exciting times indeed.

  8. Who would've thought?? It just shows how much we continue to learn about our universe.

  9. This is actually really cool! I think its always neat to hear and learn about the unknown in space.

  10. These two new discoveries could end up being what Pluto was: a big hype then turned down as a dwarf planet. There are many things that come and go from out solar system, these could just be unusually larger objects.
