Tuesday, January 20, 2015

6 Killed in Winter Storm- Ausia Jones

Recently the Northeast has been experiencing multiple accidents taking up to 6 lives. This cold weather has caused 450 accidents and has also many highways were closed as well. In Vermont, there could be between 3 and 7 inches of snow and 10 inches in the state's highest elevations. Ice storms hit parts of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania over the weekend, prompting the mayor of Danbury, Connecticut, to begin the hashtag #Icezilla. A messy mix of ice and rain left bridges, overpasses and interstates very slick Sunday.This is still a major problem when living in the Northeast. That is way the south is known for farming and the north, where the water is obviously colder, is known for the technology/machinery.
 Site: http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/19/us/weather-freezing-rain/index.html


  1. I liked how you related it to the typical jobs in the different parts of the US

  2. Weather has a way to effect history. During the American Revolution the Continental Army was set back due to a harsh winter at Valley Forge.
