Monday, January 26, 2015

Blizzard of 2015 by Mackenzie McGregor

Everyone by now has heard of the snowstorm set to hit the Northeast in the coming hours. Everyone by now understands how serious and dangerous this storm is. What people forget to realize is that the reactions to said storm do not "have" to be somber. Rather some people have decided to poke fun at the storm to lighten the spirits of those trapped in the storm. Although those trapped by the storm may not wish to be forced into this predicament, they should at least find a solution to their boredom and possibly pessimistic perspective. People that have expected to be trapped have already begun to make memes concerning the storm such as blaming newest Disney princess, Elsa, for this large blizzard. Another major meme is a photo-shopped image of New York mayor Bill de Blasio making crossover into "Game of Thrones" by stating that "winter is coming". The images sent by citizens in the Northeast pertaining their fairly empty grocery stores and supermarkets have entertained not only those to be trapped, but people that live in areas that actually expect wonderful weather for the week, such as Texas. The storm is dangerous and quite serious, but simply stating that can get old for everyone. No one wants to constantly hear the negative outlook, rather people prefer to listen to the positivity spread within the jokes relating to the storm. Hopefully, all those trapped in the Northeast survive the powerful winds and snow while still enjoying a cup of hot cocoa and a good laugh about #Snowmageddon2015.

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