Sunday, January 25, 2015

Koch Brothers Work On Their Image - Roni Carleton 5th Period

Speakers: Steve Kornacki, David Corn, Genevieve Wood
    The Koch brothers have decided to reveal the people who donate to the superpack, something they have never done before. They are doing this in a hope to increase trust in the party. The goal is that increased transparency will make it easier for voters to trust them. The Republican party has had issues getting women, people of color, young people and the poor to come to the polls due to views that discriminate against or offend members of these groups.
     This can be compared to the push for direct election of senators, the people want more transparency, with out that level of trust people will not back a party and the party cannot survive.

1 comment:

  1. i like how they are wanting to involve all those people who theyve never given the chance to be involve in these sort of things. sharon cordon 4h period
