Tuesday, January 20, 2015

NSA infiltrates North Korea's Hackers?- Froy Gutierrez 4th


With the Sony attacks upon the US fresh on our minds, suspicions have been high in regards to North Korea as the aggressors. With many US officials coming out and saying that North Korea is at fault for the Sony attacks, the average US citizen is left wondering just how they know that. With little to no evidence provided, its hard to fairly trust the NSA and the US government. Apparently, it turns out that the US has been spying on North Korea's hacking activity since 2010. Wielding Chinese software systems, the NSA was able to infiltrate North Korea's hacking unit of hackers, called Bureau 121. NSA officials have released information that North Korea's hacking operations did not spike nor decrease during the month of December, when Sony was attacked. This calls into question the US government's certainty when they blamed North Korea's hackers. Nonetheless, it was revealed that the US had received warnings from North Korea in regards to the release of Sony's movie. North Korea referred to "The Interview" as an act of war in June of 2014. Why the US government didn't report this information to Sony is unclear, and hopefully more will be uncovered as time goes on.

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