Sunday, January 18, 2015

Plan to Attack the Capitol Foiled- by Rachel Devine (6th period)

        For the past few months, 20-year-old Cincinnati native Christopher Lee Cornell has been on the FBI's radar. He had been tweeting some alarming things about violence and ISIS and was working with a partner, who was actually an FBI informant, on an terror attack in Washington DC at the Capitol. He was going to set off pipe bombs and then gun down the people in the building running. The man had researched how to make a bomb and everything, but he was shut down. He will be facing a lifetime in prison.

     With all the news on terrorist attacks that seem to be engulfing our televisions nightly, this just adds to the anxiety. Although the attack was shut down before any harm was done, it doesn't mean it's still not disturbing. You could relate this to the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001; thankfully this one didn't go through, but both still targeted important places in the United States. Also, on the note of social media, some people are being so foolish. Cornell was not very smart for using Twitter to express his angst and feelings for everyone to see.


  1. It is alarming to see that there are plans to terrorize our nation's center of power from people that live in this country, not even by foreign forces. However, it is comforting that our FBI has been able to track people like this and prevent these occurrences from happening.
    -Vivie Behrens (Period 6)

  2. It's amazing to think how many of these close calls America has, if it weren't for agencies like the FBI. Truly a wake-up call for all Americans.
