Monday, January 26, 2015

Craigs List Body Disappearance- Kennedi Mayes

The bodies of a husband and wife were found today. Aparently the couple had gone missing after contacting a person selling a car on Craigslist. Their car was found in a lake; however, no one knows what happened to the Georgia couple. Officials are still unsure about whether this is the missing couple, but all of the facts are lining up. The man behind this tragedy turned himself in to the police.

This is seriously sad. I don't understand people's motivations for doing crazy stuff like this. It makes absolutely no sense. I send my condolences to the family that has lost their parents.


  1. That's really depressing! I'm glad the guy turned himself in before it could have gotten worse.

  2. I don't understand what his motive could have possibly been. Did he even know the people before contacting them through craigslist?

  3. It is good that he turned himself in, he has realized what he has done is wrong. It is still very crazy that things like this happen for who knows what reason. We will never be able to be that person to understand why.
