Monday, January 19, 2015

Protests erupt outside of Muslim meeting. ----Faith Cleaver P4

What was meant to be a peaceful gathering of Muslims from around the area turned into protests earlier this week when news of the event spread. The event was organized to address the issue of Islamophobia or the prejudice against Muslims for varying reasons in light of recent acts of terror. Most of the time, prejudice stems from terrorist attacks committed by people who have been recognized as enemies of the Islamic religion. People gathered outside of the conference with signs promoting christianity and verbally abused Muslims trying to enter the conference. Comments used involved "Convert to christianity, this is a christian country!" Supporting the idea that if they wished to live peaceful lives in America they would have to become christians.
   Inside of the event, people spoke of peace and waved American flags as protests continued outside. The event lasted for most of the night but most of the protestors left by early evening. The group explained that they support their prophet Muhammed who condones acts of terror like recent one in France.
    The way protestors made it seem like the only way to get by in America was to become christian is almost like how Americans forced Native Americans to assimilate English culture to gain access to anything. Although many people in the U.S are christian, it is not the official religion. Freedom of religion was given to all citizens of the U.S in the constitution for a reason.


  1. This honestly disgusts me. Here is a group of peaceful Islamic citizens trying to tell their community that they don't want to be associated with the craziness going on in other parts of the world, and instead of accepting them with open arms, this group of Christians blast them for not conforming to what they think is the only way to live.

  2. This is awful. It's hard for me to believe that we still live in a world where others are disregarded and slandered for their skin color, gender, and religion. I don't understand it.

  3. I wonder when people like the protesters will finally understand that radicals are completely different from normal Muslims, just like Jim David Adkisson is completely different from normal Christians.
