Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Delay The Execution? By Madeline Ibarra Period 2

Oklahoma has not executed any prisoners recently because an execution of a Mr. Lockett and its outcomes. His execution ended in hours of this man writhing in pain because of lethal injections never before used on other patients. This mysterious substance used in the execution has been accused as unconstitutional because of the visibly painful effects. Because the druf is not able to quickly and painlessly get the job done, it has been under constant observation and numerous legal battles. The current lethal injection mixture will undergo a Supreme Court review and with the opinion of public jury, and until a conclusion is met, there will be no more executions by law in the state of Oklahoma. 

Im glad that they are fighting to figure out a "more fair" way of execution. All executions are particularly gruesome and have never been absolutely fine with all people. Because of the horrid outcome of Oklahomas last execution, the world has eyes on them, limiting the steps they take next. The processes used can be comparable to human chemical testing, unsure of what may happen and the side effects. Maybe the Supreme Court review and bring an awful process more to a human level, whatever that may be.  



  1. I didn't even know that execution was legal. Wouldn't it be better to sentence people to life in jail? That way they live, but they live im a place where they can never forget the wrong they've done.

  2. Execution seems to be popping. People just really seem to be into this inhumane way of punishment. There will always be arguments regarding if people should be sentenced to death or not. Some believe everyone deserves to keep their life no matter what they’ve done wrong; they can serve time and try to live a better life. However some believe a second chance to change or live in prison should not be given.
