Monday, January 26, 2015

'Historic' Storm Set to Hit the East Coast - Hannah Kalan 6th Period

The storm expected to hit the east coast Monday night is coming in hard. The National Weather Service was terming it "historic" and "life threatening" due to gusts estimated to hit a startling 70 mph. Travel bans have already been placed in a few states due to the incoming weather and a multitude of flights have been cancelled coming into and out of the area. However, it's not just the ice and snow that people need to be concerned with. Wind gusts could potentially knock out power lines and leave many people without power for days, which can wreak serious havoc on a community. Getting stuck out on the roads on a trip to the store could also turn into a perilous journey as snow is expected to reach three feet in Boston and New York.
However, the east coast has proved to live through several severe storms before, including the blizzard of 1888, a storm lasting over three days and leaving behind feet of snowdrifts. In comparison, the storm about to hit seems less dangerous, but hopefully people will still take it seriously and take the necessary cautions to stay safe.

Click HERE to read the original article!
You can also click HERE to read about the snowstorm of 1888

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