Saturday, January 24, 2015

"Dozens dead, 7,000 arrested as political violence rocks Bangladesh" - Addison Norman

For the past week Bangladesh has suffered extreme turmoil involving a number of political parties. The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and other parties on January 5th called for a strikes in response to the governments Parliament elections. The parties believe that the election was corrupted because the elections were conducted by the nations governing body the Awami League. Those involved in the strikes have refused to participate in the election until the elections are administered by an neutral caretaker administration. The Prime Minister of the Awami League refused to follow the demands. Now the strikes still continue; some have made efforts to close land transportation, to conduct attacks on buses and cars, and to bomb areas. So far 31 people have died in such attacks and 7,015 have been arrested. The government has closed down social media sites and messaging apps because they think the sites are used to plan strikes, and the government is giving money to those who have information on those involved in attacks. 
The U.S. has a history for elections that have ended in turmoil. In the election  of 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected to office, and immediately after seven of the U.S.'s southern states succeed from the Union. This led to one of the most deadly wars in American History, the Civil War. Another election that caused unrest in America was the Corrupt Bargain of 1824 when Henry Clay dropped out of the election. This resulted in John Quincy Adams winning the presidency while Henry Clay was appointed Secretary of State.


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