Tuesday, January 20, 2015

5 year old boy finds gun, shoots baby brother in the head Heather McKay

   A 911 call was made by a mother who thought her 9 moth old baby had been shot in the head by her 5 year old son with a paintball gun; however, it was quickly discovered that the baby was shot with a  .22-caliber Magnum revolver. The baby was flown to a hospital and pronounced dead. Many questions are raising about why the young boy was able to get his hands on this gun, and thought it was okay to play with. Not only should guns locks be used, but the guns should be left unloaded in a child-proof safe.  Also, parents who own guns should be teaching their children that even if they do find a gun, they should not play with it, even if they think it is a toy.
  I do not have a very strong stance on the gun control debate, but stories like this make me extremely upset because this was 100% preventable. Now this boy has to grow up knowing that he shot and killed his baby brother. I am not saying that nobody should have guns, but at least better safety measures should be taken, because incidents like this should never have to be in the news.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/20/us/missouri-boy-shoots-baby-brother/index.html


  1. I agree, the parents definitely could've avoided this. I also believe that guns can be extremely useful tools for self protection if an intruder is in your house. Not necessarily to shoot them, but to use for intimidation.

  2. i agree citizens who exercise the privilege of arming themselves also have the responsibility to keep fire arms away from their children and thieves

  3. I also do not have a very strong inclination towards either side of the debate. I understand that a restriction on weapons would hinder self-defense; however, by allowing everyone to own weapons, situations like these are more common. In this case, the parents should have kept the gun in a secure area because children at such a young age don't always know right from wrong.
