Monday, September 29, 2014

The Domino Effect of Murder? By Daizha Lankford

When something happens in a community, usually it has an effect on another event. We know this to be true in many cases of life, but what about murder?  So when a missing persons case has the possibility to solve other murders, it is quite important that all of the dots be connected. The Article by Mario Castillo, discusses the arrest of one man that may lead to the discovery of why another murder happened. Jesse Mathews the suspect in the disappearance of Virginia Tech Student Hannah Graham, has seemed to connect to a murder of another woman, a rape and abduction of another woman, and possible 2 other murders in the same area. The police are currently looking for a pattern to link not only the murders but the suspect to the crimes committed. All the women who have gone missing are between 17 and 20 years old, all taken from the same area, and later found scattered in random places around the city. Whoever this person is, I hope they are brought to justice! No more young girls should have to go through this terror!


  1. That is very scary and I am so glad and grateful that I don't live in that area, but this makes me more cautious on things like this. It has taught me to always be alert and always have a plan if something like this should happen. -Blythe Taylor 3rd

  2. That is true. People should find a way to change these events. If I was near that area I'd do something to protect the young girls.

  3. This is terrifying! It's interesting that people who kill follow obvious patterns though. However, why kill in the first place?!
    -Kennedi Mayes

  4. Wow this is like my law and order svu episodes, its terrible that these events happen in real life
    Td Simons pd 2

  5. This an interesting phenomenon, although it's awful that they involve the rape and murder of people.
