Saturday, September 27, 2014

Intruder Leaves Woman Hiding On Her Roof (Elizabeth Muscari 6th period)

     Every homeowner’s nightmare begins with one word: intruder. For Melora Rivera, the common fear became a reality when she heard someone kicking at her front door in her Venice, California home on Friday, September 26th
     Home alone and afraid, Ms. Rivera decided she would try to make an escape without having any form of confrontation with the intruder. Rivera climbed onto her roof as she dialed police but the intruder soon followed behind her. The Los Angeles police arrived two minutes later to find Rivera on the roof, making them unsure if she was the intruder or not. The intruder, also on the roof, was hidden from police on the other side. Rivera noted that she was worried the intruder would be force by police to come to the area of her roof she had been hiding in. 
     Fortunately, police were able to quietly rescue the homeowner and almost simultaneously coax the intruder, who was later identified as Christian Hicks (29), and arrest him at the scene. The intrusion ended on a happy note, however; it reminds us to be prepared, alert, and on guard at all times when home alone. 

Courtesy of CNN
Written by Elizabeth Muscari, 6th period


  1. It's very lucky that the police got there in time! This is a good reminder to always stay on your toes - that's for sure!
    -Vivie Behrens (Period 6)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thats amazing that the woman was able to get through this incendent with out being harmed or stolen from or something.

    -Julian Smith

  4. This situation is very frightening, but it surely is a warning to always be prepared for occurrences like this. The numerous amount of situations like this that have taken place recently show how hard it is getting to feel safe in society.

  5. It is so great that in the United States we have emergency personnel that responds to situations like this. If police didn't get there in time the events could be much worse.

  6. Wow, this woman is brilliant. Who knows what he might have done or what his initial motive was. I'm so glad she was not harmed.

    -Sophia Maas
