Sunday, September 28, 2014

Alton Nolen, Responsible for Beheading in Oklahoma has Regained Consciousness By: Nina Bharadwaj, 2nd Period

     Alton Nolen, the man who beheaded one woman and attacked another in Oklahoma at a food processing plant, has regained consciousness and remains hospitalized. Nolen, 30, attacked these women soon after he had been fired from the processing plant. Officials say that Nolen may face federal charges in addition to charges for first degree murder and assault and battery with a fatal weapon.
      It was said that after Nolen was fired, he drove to the company's main distribution center. There, he beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, with a knife and continuously stabbed Traci Johnson, 43 before the company's chief operating officer, Mark Vaughan, shot him. Johnson was able to survive the attack, and the investigation continues. It appears that Nolen was fired for "numerous reasons" including various "personnel issues." However, there are no specifics. Although, it has been discovered that Nolen was attempting to convert some of his co-workers to Islam after his recent conversion.
     This article was contributed to by the Associated Press and was first published on September 27. I believe the purpose of this article was to inform people and warn them about various situations like this that can happen when people are not mentally stable. The idea that the article was published so recently shows its great relevance to society today. No matter how much caution one attempts to take to keep people secure from threats like this, immoral people such as Nolten will always try to harm others for no reason. This article was written for most audiences that want to be cautioned about situations like this. One can only hope that justice will soon be brought and that Nolen will be locked away and no longer able to harm innocent people.



  1. It is so sad that someone could be pushed to inflict pain on others, and some how justify it in their head. I feel like the situation was not handled well. There was obviously some kind of mental issue with him, and instead of receiving help he was fired. This is actually a huge issue in America, no one will help the mentally ill until its too late, then they just shove them into prison and help them until they can stand trail then leave them again.

  2. Wasn't he Muslim? I thought he was trying to imitate the ISIS beheadings.
