Monday, September 29, 2014

Beheading In Oklahoma - Veronica Nichols 2nd period

A man in Oklahoma, after being fired from his job, went back and allegedly beheaded a woman and attacked another before he was shot by the company CEO who also happened to be a reserve Deputy. The suspect Alton Nolen, had images of Osama Bin Laden and Beheadings on his Facebook page. Despite this law enforcement has stated that there he appears not to have been motivated by terrorism.

He will be charged with both first degree Murder and first degree murder. His family members and people who knew him were all very shocked. They all said that he had no violent tendencies and violence was not even close to being a part of his personality. Although it seems as if his family and friends may have just been turning a blind eye considering the fact that Nolen has been arrested multiple time and has even been reported to have been involved in a violent skirmish with an officer.

This story in my opinion shows what some people are really capable of, at any age. You hear of school shootings and stabbings all the time. I think people assume things like that happen so often because those people have a low maturity level but i think stories like this really show that anyone is capable of random acts of intense violence.


  1. I feel like this man was pushed to his limit and being fired finally made him crack. He was probably a violent person to begin with, and from his Facebook it seems he might be mentally unstable? I feel like a lot of the violence we hear on the news stems from untreated mental issues, something that needs to be addressed immediately.

  2. What is wrong with people these days? I know it could be a disorder, but proper punishment needs to be put in place. Quentin Noble period 2
