Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ferguson Comes Back Into the Spotlight- by Rachel Devine (6th)

         Although all the drama in Ferguson, Missouri had died down in the past few weeks, it's back again. Michael Brown's memorial (the boy who was shot by the police) was set on fire by an unknown source and people are furious. There are conspiracies that some of the policemen might have started the fire, but there is no hard evidence. This burned memorial has set off a chain of new protests including one where five people got arrested. Another recent incident in Ferguson involved a custard shop being burned after gas was poured around it.

         Although the fire at Michael Brown's memorial could have been a freak accident, I think many of us would agree it was on purpose and done, for some reason, out of hate. That saddens me that someone would disrespect a memorial like that. The situation going on in Missouri right now is not good and I can only hope that it doesn't escalate any further.


  1. The rumor going around is that the candles from the memorial started the fire ,but i honestly do not think that is true. Because if it would have been the candles from the memorial, it would have burned a long time ago. I think this is such a horrible act, like why would anyone do such a thing.

  2. I am hoping that is is not on of the police officers that committed this felony because I wouldn't want someone that is supposed to protect me, my family, and my community showing such disrespect.

    Maddie Murphy.
    Pd 6
