Monday, September 29, 2014

Construction Workers Caught in Building Collapse - Sophia Davison

            CNN and Meghan McCorkell tell us about a currently mysterious mishap in Baltimore that occurred just a few days ago. When mid-day, a building on S. Paca collapsed, four men barely escaping and two men stuck within the debris, fire-fighters and rescue teams came to the aid of these men. Apparently an onlooker, Norman Finnance, witnessed the entire ordeal and gave an account of what happened. Finnance told the rescue workers that he ran around the building, hearing shouts from one of the trapped workers, who was not seriously injured and attempting to dig out his friend from the rubble. According to the worker, his friend had fallen through the first floor into the basement and been trapped by falling debris. After four hours of work and a call to the Baltimore City Fire, the buried worker was found and rushed to the hospital to be given immediate medical attention.
            Over the past few weeks, gossip and questions had been circulating around the construction site and the motives around some of the construction workers' actions. Neighbors had seen some of the workers digging out the basement the past few days, and a full investigation has been set in action as to the mysterious nature of the site. After such an ordeal, the rescued worker has been sent for Shock Trauma treatment, with a positive prospect at healing from the life-threatening injuries suffered.

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