Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Suspect for Missing Women- Quentin Noble

An article by Maria Castillo of cnn is about to missing females. It is not about they are missing, but it is about the man who is linked to the crime. These females have been missing for some time, but recently a man has been linked to the missing women by dna. The first woman went missing in 2009 and the second just recently. They both have gone missing from Virginia universities. 
The purpose about this article is to tell about the man who has possibly been kidnapping these females. It is an effective article, but there is no for sure proof in the link yet. Authorities are offering $100,000 for any information. http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/30/justice/virginia-missing-women/index.html?c=us


  1. I hope they find these women because they could still be alive with the man.

  2. I heard about this on the news recently. What this man (possibly) did astonishing and disturbing. I hope they find the women as soon as possible, seeing as they could still be alive.

  3. This is so disturbing. I really hope they can find all the women soon alive and healthy. -Jessica Sheinfeld
