Tuesday, September 30, 2014

History gets "Botoxed" in Colorado By Heather McKay 2nd

   In Colorado, the board of education is looking too change their schools' curriculum to exclude any and all history of civil disobedience. The students are protesting (which is quite ironic) but they are right! Taking out all of those instances not only changes and covers up important history, but it makes people studying history feel as if people can not stand up to the government. This takes away so much power from the people and I do not agree with it. It is not humbling, but degrading and it practically changes our course of history, because changes were always spurred on my civil disobedience.



  1. You can't rewrite history, that's ridiculous.

  2. Wowwwwww. This is so stupid and cruel for them to do. We're supposed to learn from incidents like this and learn to not repeat them, unless they were for a good cause, like many civil disobedience situations were! Do they just not want to encourage people unhappy with their government and just keep things the same forever and ever and ever? I could go on and on about this, but this board of education annoys me so much.

  3. This is incredibly ridiculous and I can't believe this is actually happening. History is there to be learned from, not to be rewritten to our heart's content. We are doomed to repeat past mistakes if we fail to learn from the past.

  4. Civil disobedience is, in many situations, what shaped our country. Our ability to challenge authority is what makes America America. We have a right to learn anything and everything about history to see what we've gone through, understand our roots, and avoid future failure. Taking those instances out of the textbooks is just wrong.

  5. This is absolute censorship, but at least we and those students recognize that and can look for true answers. Of course if this does happen we can only hope future students will do the same.

  6. I strongly disagree with this and can't believe that such a thing would be proposed. Civil disobedience, in some cases, has the potential to change a society/nation for the better. America is a prime example of this. Without civil disobedience, not only would America lose major parts of its history, but its history would be completely different.

  7. You can't manipulate our history in order to "revise" our generation. This is censoring our greatest triumphs and downfalls as a world.

  8. this is insane. Who would even begin to think like this?! -Jessica Sheinfeld
