Monday, October 29, 2018

Three suspects. Three crimes. A hate-filled week in America. -- Mary Kate Madden

This article was written October 28, 2018. This past week, America has had three horrible, violent crimes in the public eye. On Wednesday, in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, there were two people killed in a grocery store. There has also been the mail bombs sent to people who have criticized the president. On the weekend, a gunman opened fire in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. There were eleven people killed and six injured. All of these incidents involved hate. This relates to all the other shootings that have happened in the United States - Parkland, Florida, Sandy Hook, etc. Change is in order, and it is in order now. 

Mary Kate Madden


  1. I agree with you these past weeks have been heartbreaking and I think it is time someone takes action before more peoples lives are put in danger.

  2. I wish there had been someone in those places who had a gun and was able to stop these horrible people like in the recent Alabama shooting at a McDonalds (I put the link to an article about it if anyone is interested).

  3. I agree! When I was looking for something to write about many of the stories revolved around the shooting that toke place this past week. I just wonder how many more lives need to be taken away until change is made and peace can finally be restored.
