Sunday, October 28, 2018

Emma Burkey- 72 hours in America: Three hate-filled crimes. Three hate-filled suspects.

This CNN article discusses the chilling events that have taken place over the past week in the United States. The killing of two African Americans in a grocery store in Kentucky, the bombs sent to democratic political figures and the mass shooting at a synagogue in Squirrel Hill. It was posted on Sunday at around three o'clock and is very current to our nation.

Once again I am at a lost for words; though this time it isn't from shock, it is from anger and devastation. Firstly, the shooting of two innocents African Americans in a Kroger in Kentucky  by a white man who has a history of mental illness and had attempted to get inside of a black church earlier that day. Secondly, a self proclaimed white supremacist that had a van made to be a sort of shrine to Trump who sent bombs to Democrats. Thirdly, 11 people praying in a synagogue being killed and many more injured by a white man who posted on social media, "screw your optics, I am going in," right before he went to commit mass murder. I don't think I really need to explain why this is important for Americans to know about. It's the country we are living in and apparently it hasn't changed since Sandy Hook, Las Vegas or Parkland. It hasn't changed since Ferguson and "I can't breathe." It hasn't changed because the president and other officials make up horrible excuses to protect themselves and their precious gun laws. How many more lives are we willing to sacrifice. Mr. president, Mr. "shooting had little to do with gun laws" how many more lives will it take for you to realize that your citizens aren't going to be safe with more guns. We will look back on this time with shame, sadness and so so much regret. We can't bring back anyone who has been lost to gun violence and hate crimes, but we have the chance to save victims to come. We have a chance, but the president won't take it.

These events can relate to the ones mentioned in the above text.


  1. It makes me really mad that the people with the power to stop this won’t. They act like it’s not a gun law issue, but if there were no guns there would be no shootings.
    Maya Friedmann

  2. I also did my article on this. I also think it's very important that the government doesn't just acknowledge this, but also does something to help it.

    Mary Kate Madden

  3. I think the more we read about shootings happening in the U.S. more we should review our 2nd amendment
