Monday, October 29, 2018

Avery Corley- Glitchy voting machines effecting early voting

With regularly scheduled voting coming up on November 6th, early voters have already been experiencing problems with some of the voting machines in Texas. In 6 of Texas' most populated cities, there have been complaints made by dozens of voters that their summary page doesn't match up with what they were trying to vote for. While Texas is currently blaming the "error" on the users, the patterns could say otherwise. Dozens of complaints have been made against the Hart Intercivic eSlate machines (voting machines) saying that when they clicked the option to vote straight Democrat their summary page said that they had voted for Ted Cruz (a Republican). Even though one complaint has been made saying that when voting straight republican a Democrat was chosen, that was one out of dozens of complaints going in the opposite direction.

This article was written by Deanna Paul on October 29th. This article was written with no Bias and was presenting basic facts from the information being given. What I found compelling about this article aside from the situation occurring in our own state, was the mentioning of this occurring in a previous election. According to the article, an extremely similar situation happened in the 2016 presidential election. This situation reminds me of the election between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson in 1824 which was thought of as corrupt, because of Henry Clay's involvement in the election.


1 comment:

  1. I like how this article was not taking any sides and it was written to warn and keep voters updated and make their vote count.-Alma Alvarado-Cabrera
