Monday, October 29, 2018

Stay seated -chiamaka

So after the attack on the Jewish people of Pyttsburg , they decided to remember the victims and have Trump postponed his visit to another time, to keep the families at mind. Of the terrible tragedy.

Violence has been embedded into the American culture. It's a sad truth that we all know is true. From how we started takig away this continent, fighting and killing others as well as our “fellow” american. From going to Wally world to buy that rifle to going shopping at Cabellas for whatever other trigger happy people buy. We are blinded to all the blood shed around us. This is a whole sum up for american history. Duels to battles to wars to tombstone and crying wifes and families. Do we ever really learn to stop . I hope we do for the sake of humanity


  1. The fact that these shootings keep happening and everyone says that it must change, but no one does anything to change it is devastating. -Emma Hancock

  2. Change needs to be made and NOW is the time. As a planet we are failing one another to keeping peace and taking safety as a priority.

  3. People want to send their condolences but there needs to be action take many shootings are happening more and more
