Monday, October 29, 2018

Climate Change- Maya Friedmann

Climate change is progressively becoming worse and worse. It’s literally changing physical aspects of the environment right now. These changes are affecting where we can grow our food, live, and access water. The tropics are expanding by half a degree each decade. The Sahara dessert has grown 10 percent since 1902. Tornado Alley has shifted 500 miles east since the mid 1890s.
To some people, this may not seem like a big deal. But none of these things should be changing in the first place. Many people care about the environment but just aren’t aware of what to do to help. Everyone just associates carbon emissions with cars but there’s so much more that effects it such as; the production of our food, water usage, electricity usage, and plenty more. A lot of factors contributing to global warming are things you can help with by just changing small parts of your daily routine. People are just unaware of what they can do.


  1. This climate change is making many people get sick , its pretty bad. -Alma Alvarado -Cabrera

  2. people need to elect politicians that recognize that climate change is real, and ones that will do something about it! we the poeple can make small change as individuals, but unless laws are enacted, we wont see much change.
