Monday, October 29, 2018

Lex Willis- Unarmed man killed by Park Police

      Motorist Bijan Ghaisar was shot by two Park Police officers in Fairfax County last November. The officers shot nine times at his car when he did not have a weapon in plain sight and they have refused to disclose why they shot at him or if he was armed. The officers reportedly had to smash open Ghaisar's side window to get him out of the car after shooting him. The officers are still on the job and their identities haven't been known by either the FBI or the Park Police. Ghaisar was an accountant who was driving on the George Washington Memorial Parkway a little after 7:30 PM and was rear-ended by an Uber driver. He took off without saying anything and the driver called the police. The officers found Ghaisar and signaled for him to pull over and Ghaisar complied. He then took off twice and the third time, the police stopped in front of him blocking him, and when Ghaisar tried to move around their car, they opened fire.
I found this really upsetting because Ghaisar didn't show any sign of wanting to hurt the police. He only tried to get away, he never reached for anything or rolled down the window. His primary focus was to get out of sight so I think that the police should have never opened fire. You can see in the video clip at 4:28. The link's down below.

1 comment:

  1. I think it’s so unfair they just shot him without a reason and just ended someone life without a cause(reason) ~ Stephannie Hernandez
