Monday, October 29, 2018

Synagogue shooting sally north

Eleven people were shot and killed in a Pittsburgh synagogue this past Saturday. The man responsible, Robert Bowers, has been charged with ethnic intimidation, assault, and criminal homicide. The shooting began at 9:50am when he entered the building armed with an AR15 rifle and an assortment of handguns, all legally owned. His reasoning behind his actions was antisemitic as he claims he wanted to kill all of the Jews.

This is yet another example of how religious discrimination can lead to tragedy, and how guns can ravage a community. This is not the only mass shooting this year as another occurred at the Capital Gazette in Maryland in June, the 154th shooting this year.

1 comment:

  1. It shouldn’t have to take a shooting for people to be aware of the antisemitism in america.
    Maya Friedmann
