Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Google Employees Walkout Over Bad Handling of Sexual Misconduct- Gabriel Allen

Google employees plan walkout over executives' handling of sexual misconduct

Google employees are planning a walkout to protest how the company has dealt with executives accused of sexual misconduct. This all started when the New York Times published an article talking about how two Google executives were given exit packages worth tens of millions of dollars after leaving the company following sexual misconduct allegations and a third executive that was allowed to stay at the company. Google is saying that they take the personal safety of their employees ever seriously and that they take every sexual misconduct report review it and act accordingly.

I feel like it's huge that information like this getting out now. It's awful to hear that Google has been giving out large severance packages to executives who were accused of sexual misconduct. I definitely think that the employees walking out to protest the situation is a smart safe way to make changes happen.


  1. The way google handled these situations is disgusting. This is one of the reasons why women are discouraged from coming forward with what happens to them. I think its great that the employees stood in solidarity with the women who are effected by doing the walkout.

  2. Google is one of the largest and most influential companies in the world. Everyone with access to the internet has heard of google. The fact that they couldn't handle themselves better as a role model for what we as a society should be striving towards is disgusting.
    Violet Wiedemer

    1. I agree with you. Since Google is in the limelight wouldn’t you think that they would be more attentive to big mistakes like this!
      -Bryn Bohannan

  3. I believe that the Google employees' decision to walk out was a prudent choice. Because of Google's major influence on the world, it is great that they are taking a stand in a smart, effective, and safe manner.

  4. Sexual misconduct in the workplace is an epidemic that almost always hurts the victim more that the person accused of misconduct. When the abuser gets off easy like this, it doesn't teach a lesson to other men in business that it really is not right to make unwanted advances.
