Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Jordan Body | Names of Dead, Possible Motive to Be Released in Mass Shooting at Pittsburgh Synagogue

                   On the morning of Saturday October 27, Robert Bowers opened fire at the Tree of Life  synagogue killing eleven in an attempted hate crime. Bowers made several anti-Semitic posts on social media prompting the attack on his innocent victims. It has been described as " the deadliest attack on Jewish community in the history of the United States" resulting in widespread attention from just about all-over the world. As a follow up Bowers has been convicted and has up to twenty-nine charges as he awaits trial.
                  Unfortunately things of this nature are not a rare occurrence. In recent years there have been several instances of shootings at places of worship. It saddens me to  constantly see shootings and tragic events that spurn our nation almost as if nothing has changed within the last century. 
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2018/10/28/us/28reuters-pennsylvania-shooting-names.html

1 comment:

  1. I wrote my blog post about the synagogue shooting as well. In my post I mentioned how we have improved in the acceptance of all people in our country, however every day I contemplate whether that statement is true or not. Honestly, with events like this, sometimes I feel like there’s no hope, but then I remember communities like ours at Booker T. and I think that maybe we as teens can help change our country for the better...
    -Ryan Mecca
