Monday, November 28, 2016

Seanelle Higgins: Fleeing the State to Save a Life

Summary: Parents Kim and Richard Muszynski had to flee Florida in search for better healthcare recently.  This couple has a total of three children, one they had to leave in Florida to complete half of high school on her own. Their youngest daughter,  Abby,  was born with a chunk of her brain missing that causes unspeakable seizures and complications.  Along with this comes the hefty medical bills.  The parents were afraid that Abby's healthcare, Medicaid, was killing her. Often the state would refuse to provide life changing medicines for Abby despite the fact that one seizure could potentially kill her. Sometimes, her healthcare would cover hardly anything and the doctors would refuse to treat her even in desperate times. Their daughter will never walk or talk,  and she will have frequent seizures and always need a diaper. With this and other complications,  Abby will  surely need a lot of expensive treatments that they are unable to afford. 
They hope that their move will be beneficial to Abby and expose the unconstitutional acts of Florida when it comes to healthcare.

Analysis: I think that what is happening to this girl is absolutely terrible. I really think it is time that we as Americans sit down and really establish a beneficial system for healthcare. For being one of the only developing countries in the world without free college,  healthcare, and maternity leave,  we are far behind in ensuring the safety and comfort of our citizens financially and medically . They have exposed how Florida has refused to offer free emergency room visits for children amongst other things.  This is truly a problem, especially for poor families, and should be addressed.


  1. Ah that's terrible that the little girl has to go through all that and her parents have to care for two other children as well. I hope they can seek better care for their daughter in another state.

  2. I hope that all works out and then moving ends up being the best choice
