Monday, November 28, 2016

Anna Czyzewski - Donald Trump Alleges Election Fraud

Summary: On Sunday, Donald Trump stated that "millions of people" voted illegally, furthering the margin between his and Hillary's popular votes. Although he won by the Electoral College, Hillary leads him by 2 million votes, a number that seems to him too much of a contradiction to his "landslide" victory. Recently Jill Stein has filed for a recount in Wisconsin, a state with quite possible voting discrepancies, but the facts still stand; there has been no evidence supporting Trump's claims.

Analysis: Donald Trump is only doing this to show off and act as if he could've won both sides of the election, even though it wouldn't make any difference. He was deterred by the large number of people who voted for Hillary and felt himself being threatened. In the past, Trump has bad-talked the Electoral College, yet after he was elected, he quickly agreed with it's usefulness and quality. The day of the election relates a lot to the election between George Bush and Al Gore, but Bush never alleged that there was widespread election fraud, proving that this election and its candidates were truly unique.



  1. He needs to stick with what he belives as well as Hillary. She criticized him for saying he would not be happy if he lost and now she is demanding a recount. They are both hypocritical and a hot mess. I wish this election would have been a lot less hateful and divided. It really exposed the hate in America.

  2. I wish we did not a elect someone so immature and hypocritical. I hope this election will bring some good change.

  3. I feel like its a real embarrassment to America to have an idiot for a president.

  4. It just humoresque me that even when Trump is elected president by the electoral vote he still wants to make a point and give an untrue reason for why he didn't win the pop vote too.
