Monday, November 28, 2016

Ohio State University Attack - Katie Schuldenberg

On Monday, November 28, 2016, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a student at the University of Ohio, drove into a group of pedestrians on campus, then proceeded to get out of his car with a butcher knife and stab people. There were eleven injured during this attack, no one killed. Abdul was shot and killed on sight by an officer. Motives are still pending though because Artan is Somali-born, terrorism is a serious possibility that is being looked into. Abdul's family fled Somalia to Pakistan in 2007, then later arrived in the US as permenant citizens in 2014 and he immediately enrolled in Columbus State Community College. Abdul was in the university newspaper in August where he talked about his feelings of insecurity and strange at the university as a Muslim student.

I feel for Abdul and his feelings of being out of his element when in a space where everyone was different than him. This could've led to many different difficulties mentally that could've put a strain on him that would've led to commiting this crime. I don't mean that he shouldn't have been held responsible for his actions or that the people who were injured aren't victims, but I dislike that because he is an immigrant, that the first thought is terrorism. I think that this will somewhat impact people's view on immigration, but hopefully not create fear that steers thier opinions.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's absolutely horrible how one person can have a negative effect on everybody. It's horrible how the new situations facing our country are affecting people in an extreme way.
