Monday, November 14, 2016

Anti-Trump Riots Jada Brown

Summary: A few days ago, there had been lots of opposition action against Trump from the people, right here in Dallas.
 Analysis: Great attention was drawn to Downtown Dallas when a large group of people decided to march down the streets with opposition toward trump. They all disagreed with Trump, but didn't all have the same argument. Many people have problems with/ toward the elected president, and very few actually get out to protest against major problems.

 Synthesis: Before the Articles of confederation and the Constitution were under control, many people protested against authorities in other ways such as physical harm. If people didn't agree with something, before they had the rights we have today, protesting and speaking out was very popular.

Source: Play Newsstand App


  1. Even though many of the major problems with the president elect were not able to be brought to light specifically, it's good that they were exercising their right to protest either way. It brings attention to the situation.

  2. I'm very happy that these people are going out and protesting. It shows how much of a community we are, even if we don't totally agree on our reasons for protesting. It may not change much, but it definitely shows Trump how much we're unhappy with him.
    -Anna Czyzewski
