Monday, November 28, 2016

Hayley Cagle, Ohio State University Attacks

Summary: Abdul Razak Ali Artan is a man of Somali descent. He drove into a group of people at OSU and began stabbing them randomly. The campus went on lockdown and the suspect was killed by responding police forces.

Analysis: This goes to show how fragile and everchanging life is. This is definitely not something you expect when coming back from a holiday. This is similar to the Chapel Hill shooting.


  1. So sad. Praying for the community, university, families and friends.

  2. There's been too much violent responses to the outcome of this election and it's rather frightening for our future as Americans.

  3. That is so horrible, people need to understand that life is special and shouldn't be thrown around without respect and care.

  4. This is such a sad event that has taken place. I wish more information was shared so I'll definitely look into the article.
