Monday, November 14, 2016

Mollie Hamman - Many Children Missing in UK Care Homes

Last year a total of almos 600 children went missing and 200 are still missing. It was said that UK's system of protection was not enough for the children to be safe and left them more able to being trafficrd and abused. Susannah Dury, from Missing People, says that police need to prioritize children's safety.

I agree that if the numbers of missing children is that high, then something should be done to change that. There should be more protection for the countless unaccompanied children.


  1. It is quite scary to see how many children are going missing in the UK. Thankfully the US is better at dealing with these situations, such as the Amber Alert system.

  2. This is terrifying. It really shows the neglect of the people taking care of these children and proves just how much the care homes don't keep a watchful enough eye on these kids.
    -Anna Czyzewski

  3. How could we let such a terrible thing happen? They need to protect their children from these crazy kidnappers.

  4. It is awful that children are being abducted at such a high rate. That should be a top priority for the UK.

  5. It is so alarming that children are going missing. This story should be more widely published, and the UK needs to protect these children.
