Monday, November 28, 2016

Audrey Griffin - Vets slam college for taking down U.S. flag

A few days after Donald Trump was elected, Hampshire College took down the American flag flying at the center of their campus. This provoked many different reactions. Some members of the campus community rejoiced, as they saw the flag as a symbol of fear. U.S. veterans, however, felt hurt and insulted. The flag was also apparently burned the day before Veterans' Day. It was replaced, and it will be flown at half-staff to acknowledge people's grief and pain, but also to respect the veterans.

The author is very neutral on the subject, which makes it easier to form your own opinion. Before reading the article, I knew how sad and scared many people were when Trump won. I didn't realize the degree that some people were taking their anger to. The article was written to show just how negatively some people are feeling about America, as well as how proud some people are of it. I think it's important to realize that there are always two sides to the story. This can be related to the Boston Tea Party because, in both cases, people were angry at government officials and defaced property to prove a point. Also, both cases had people who disagreed with the actions - like the Loyalists.


  1. This is strange, but these people do need to recognize his freedom of speech. It's sad to see our nation do divided. This entire election is eye opening.

  2. I believe their energy should be focused on encouraging more people to get out and vote. It's sad to know that the general public is misinformed and don't care.

  3. This is I little over the top, we need to be strong together and protect our nation or else there's no hope at all.

  4. We need to be a unified country, hopefully soon we can achieve that.
