Monday, November 14, 2016

Dalton Wolfe- Obama urges Americans to give Trump a Chance

With the election of Donald J Trump as the next president of the United States, tensions and emotions have been high lately. Crimes against minorities and Muslims have increased and many rights of the people may be changed soon; however violent protests have damaged property and become the origin for many injuries towards Trump supporters as well. In this time of growing unrest and social and political division, President Barack Obama has urged people to give Trump a fair shot stating the republican party did the same when he was elected back in 2008 and reelected in 2012 through the very same system Donald Trump was elected through now.

Bigotry and extreme political bias have become rampant in America today however this does not just go for one side. Yes, there are extremely racist and sexist Trump supporters but this does not define all Trump supporters as a whole or Donald Trump himself. Although he has stated many terrible things he has urged his more extreme and bigoted supporters to stop any crimes they are committing and has stated that he wishes to serve all the American people not just the few. We must remember that regardless of whether Hillary Clinton won the popular vote or not Donald Trump won the election through fair process and it is wrong to take office away from him and it would only create a great vacuum of power plunging our nation into chaos if we were to deny him his office. We must know that Trump being elected still reflects huge frustrations people have with the current government that deserve action for their votes. Hillary Clinton supporters have been peacefully protesting as well, as is their right as citizens of the United States, but some have become violent and have merely caused destruction and anarchy. All sides of the political spectrum hold corruption, ignorance, and bigotry and I feel that now more than ever the most important thing that we as people must do is not blanket or group people together seeing that while their are many problems on both sides there is much good on both sides as well. We must go on as a nation, not political parties.


  1. I agree with your statement as someone who has seen so many people blinded by fear that has come from this election. We have to be hopeful that as a business man, he can make good decisions for our country.
