Monday, November 14, 2016

ISIS Back at it Again ~Harper Jones

Summary: In Karachi, 52 people were killed and 100 were injured during a bombing of a religious shrine. After the attack, ISIS took full responsibility for another bombing in Sufi which is about120 miles away from Karachi. Law enforcement has informed the world about the blast after Karachi's prime minister.

 Synthesis: Before this article, I knew of ISIS and their deathly antics, but what is their purpose? They are honestly killing people, who do not effect them at all, just for their religious beliefs. This just like Paris and the Twin Towers. When will this violence end? When will someone get a clue and actually think of their actions?


  1. This ISIS think has to stop. They're hurting people and killing for power and obviously, that's not okay. They might want to tone it down.

  2. This is so horrific ISIS needs to be stopped ASAP because like you said they are killing innocent human beings.
