Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Sarah Childs- UK Teen Wins Case to Have her Body Frozen

Summary: A British teenager, who can not be identified but is called "JS", died of cancer on October 17. Strangely, she has been cryogenically frozen in the United States after winning a court case before her death. JS suffered from a rare form of cancer and expressed a hope to be brought back to life and cured in the future. The Judge, Mr. Justice Peter Jackson, said the girl was persistent with her desire to be cryogenically frozen. She wrote: "I have been asked to explain why I want this unusual thing done. I'm only 14 years old and I do not want to die, but I know I am going to. I think being cryo-preserved gives me a chance to be cured and woken up, even in hundreds of years' time. Even though this young girl is confident, there is still much skepticism remains about the science of cryogenics. Barry Fuller, professor in Surgical Science and Low Temperature Medicine at University College London, said that this method "has many useful applications in day to day medicine, such as cryopreserving blood cells, sperm and embryos." On the other hand, we are not able to equip the entire body for freezing. "This is why we have to say that at the moment we have no objective evidences that a whole human body can survive with cell which will function after rearming."

Analysis: This article was published by Laura Smith-Spark from CNN on November 18, 2016. She uses a third person point of view to convey an unbiased point of view. Additionally, I had absolutely no previous knowledge of this topic, so this article made me realize how important our scientific investments are. This article was written for any citizen of the United States, specifically people with a fatal disease that are seeking an extension to their short life. It was published for an informative purpose of enabling the people to learn more about our scientific improvements that have a major impact on our lives and future. It was also written to tell the story of a little girl with a sad, but open heart to any possibility of life. This entire article could synthesize directly to the invention of the defibrillator. The defibrillator has saved millions of lives. Additionally, like the hopeful frozen bodies, could restart lives that were taken all too sudden. Overall, this story was definitely the first of these kinds of procedures and hopefully will be successful for the young girl.


  1. This is so interesting! I have seen an episode of a tv show where there were a bunch of people who had been cryogenically frozen so that they could be reawakened in the future. I had no idea that it was a real thing. It is so interesting that freezing is something that we may be able to have such advanced technology in the future that it could become a possibility.

  2. Wow! The only knowledge I have of cryogenically freezing people is Captain America! That's very interesting. Best of luck to this girl.

  3. That is strange that the technology is becoming available to preserve oneself. Maybe we have finally unlocked a way to longer lifespans. Of course, JS is a pioneer, and much more research and observation will have to be done before freezing becomes standard.

  4. This is fascinating, though I'm worried it won't work due to the lack of confidence that the authorities had as I read through this. I'm sorry that she passed, and hopefully everything works out for her.

  5. This is so interesting! I wonder how much research is going into this and how it might be used in the future
