Monday, November 28, 2016

Liam Taylor - Ohio State University Attacks

Summary: This Monday morning, the 28th of November, a man, identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was at the campus of Ohio State University. He rammed his car into a group of people at the campus, then got out and followed another group of people with a knife. During this, he injured many students and 11 were reported as hospitalized. Further investigation on him is being continued, as he had recently posted a Facebook status, exclaiming how "sick and tired" he was of seeing fellow Muslims being killed and tortured.

Analysis: This article was written on November 28, 2016, by CNN. This article remained very unbiased, just simply stating the facts. I actually did have prior knowledge of this event before reading it, I had heard about it this morning from a friend. However, I didn't know the details pf the situation. Many people, since he is of Islam religion, are claiming this to be an act of terrorism, but, the Ohio State University President cautioned not to assume it was terrorism, which I really appreciate. I think many ignorant people automatically associate the Muslim religion with terrorism, which isn't true at all, and it makes me happy to see others are standing up for Muslims.

Synthesis: What I got from this article is that through the many protesters and Islamophobic people I've seen all over the news and such recently, there are still people who support and defend Muslims, as per most of them are innocent. I think this really reminds me of white abolitionists in the mid 19th-century who defended African American slaves, especially their rights as humans. It makes me happy that there are still people who can support and fight for a minority group, especially when the supporter is specifically a part of the majority group.


  1. I just read another blog post about this, but it was more about using violence to solve problems, rather than about the religion of the man, so it's interesting to see another take on it.
    -Audrey Griffin

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is just another example of the violence that has been so common in our country recently. It is also significant because assumptions will be made about his motives because of his race and religion.

  4. I'm also really glad the president of the university cautioned not to assume it's an act of terrorism. This student was obviously distressed, it's people like this who need help instead of just being sent to prison.
