Monday, November 28, 2016

Isabella Poscente- Jail Mistreating

Isabella Poscente- Jail Mistreating 

A young man, named Terrill Thomas, died from dehydration in a Milwaukee County Jail on April 24, which was nine days after being arrested. Also, other inmates reported that they heard him begging for water. This is cruel torture, and nobody should be treated like this, even if they are in jail. They labeled the death a homicide. The water was shut off in the jail for six days. No one should ever die from dehydration, it is just sick.

The article was written by Ryan Reilly and was posted on the Huffington Post to tell the public of the problems in prisons. This might affect the meaning of the article because we are only getting it from one source. I didn’t know about this article specifically until I read it, but I have heard how some prisoners have been mistreated before and some have died in the past because of diseases, nutrition, and dehydration. This is a negative influence because a prisoner dying is very sad and horrible. The point the article is trying to convey is how we, as a society, need to change because of how certain prisoners are treated. I am not saying to treat them like a day at the spa, because it is prison, but they are people and people have basic human rights. This document is relevant in our lives today because we have to fix this problem of people being mistreated and leading them to dying. 


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