Friday, November 25, 2016

Kennedy Waterman - Bloomberg Says Cities Will Fight Climate Change, With or Without Trump

When asked about his views on climate change, Donald Trump has said it is a hoax created by the Chinese government. He feels there isn't too much connectivity between human activity and climate change, and he is thinking about pulling the United States out of the Paris Agreement, which is the main climate change agreement. Recently, Michael Bloomberg said that regardless of Trump's decision, people will still fight climate change.

The article was written November 23rd, so Trump had already won the presidency. Before reading this article, I knew he had been vocal about his skepticism on global warming. I also knew that regardless of what he thinks, people will still do what they believe in. This article was written for the general public to remind them that Trump's words are not the be all end all. This is significant because we are a democracy, so the people still rule. I think this can be related to the southern secession in 1861 because even though James Buchanan didn't believe secession was legal, that didn't stop the states from seceding.


  1. I love your synthesis! I definitely think that people have the power in this democracy and it would be extremely hard for Trump to take away something that our generation is so invested in!

  2. It's reassuring to hear that even without the president's support action will still be taken to solve the prominent issue of climate change.

  3. I am so relieved to hear Chinese are accepting Global Warming, and I hope that eventually America will and put efforts to help the cause.
