Monday, November 28, 2016

Qiaunci Jones- "Viva Fidel!"

Buisness stopped, flags waved, everything was set to a halt when younger brother, Raul Castro, told the country on Friday that Fidel died.  Rallies are being planned to honor Castro's death. He died at the age of 90 after accomplishing many things; he gave the people a new sense of hope after overtaking the Cuban dictator. Millions are in mourning and appreciating what Fidel has done for them. 

Fidel died on November 25,2016, one day after thanksgiving. This article was posted 2 days later November 26, 2016,  which shows how quickly word gets around. This article is significant because it's about a while other country and what's happening in their every day life. It must be very upsetting to have a role model that you looked up to die. This article, also, helps us learn who Castro even was and the people's views. This can be related to Martin Luther King's death, JFK, or even Abraham Lincoln. 


  1. I hope Cuba can go on! Who knows this might even inspire some much needed change. Our prayers are with the people of Cuba as they mourn the death of their ruler.

  2. I like your synthesis. I can see how they correlate and all of the things you talked about brought saddness to many people as one of their role models died.

  3. My thoughts go out to Cuba for their loss of a great leader and role model. Also I really like your synthesis even though these are two different situations they really relate to each other.
