Sunday, November 29, 2015

Planned Parenthood Shooting (Bella Di Fazio pd:8)

In Colorado Springs, Colorado, Robert Lewis Dear has been arrested for the shooting inside a Planned  Parenthood clinic, killing 3 people and injuring 9. Dear has been accused of domestic and animal abuse prior to the shooting, but was never charged. He is known for being extremely "anti-Obama". Along with the shooting, there was a bunch of propane found in his car making the authorities suspect that he was trying to shoot at that to cause an explosion.
Many people believe that this is a "crime against women" because he is attacking them for receiving proper and necessary health care.
Recently, Obama released a statement about how a shootings like these happen way too often and in order to truly stop it from happen, there must be stricter gun control.

Planned Parenthood has had many unfortunate events happen to them. As something that is so necessary in providing safe and extremely helpful procedures that aren't just abortions. (Like STD testing, sex education, etc.)  Even if people don't agree with abortion, they should at least educate themselves about how Planned Parenthood works. As for gun control, I do believe it should be much stricter but not entirely taken away.

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