Monday, November 30, 2015

Donald Trump denies mocking disabled reporter Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4

Donald Trump was accused of mocking a disabled reporter (Serge Kovaleski who has a congenital joint condition) when referring to an article the reporter has written about 9/11. Trump had flailed his arms around, much like someone would have done uncontrollably due to a disability, when referring to the article. He insisted that he did not know about the reporters conditions, and was only trying to mimic a reporter in distraught, as he imagined Serge may have been at the time of writing the article.

This is similar to the black face plays put on by white settlers during colonial times. The white settles would paint their face and bodies with black paint, and put on comedy shows mocking African Americans. Although they were fully aware of their mockery (unlike Donald Trump, who claims to have not been aware), the situations itself were similar. Both were making fun of someone they saw as subordinate to them in some way because of a physical feature. Black face was a direct form of discrimination, and one of the earliest prominent examples seen in history.


  1. It just continues to go to show how much of a clown trump is and how it's crazy that he has gained so much support

  2. It just continues to go to show how much of a clown trump is and how it's crazy that he has gained so much support
