Monday, November 30, 2015

"Human and Animal Cruelty" -Aleah Washington 1st period

A woman, who claims to be a dog lover duct-taped her dogs mouth closed because it wouldn't stop barking. After posting it on Facebook the image went viral and she was immediately threatened by people world wide with angry comments causing her to feel unsafe. Even though she tried to post another comment saying her dog was okay and finally stopped barking, people still continued to call he a monster. Slaves were treated as property and could be physically abused by the people who owned them. Some whites agreed that slaves were property but they shouldn't be treated like wild animals. The owners who were really abusive were looked at as monsters to there slaves as Katie Brown to her dog.

The choices we make can label us negatively if we aren't careful. She now has to go to court to deal with animal cruelty charges. Despite her saying she loves her dog and her taking care of him for all these years, she is looked at as a harmful person to dogs. This teaches us that we should think before we do something and we should decide what pictures are appropriate to take especially if we are planning on posting it online.


  1. I think it is sad what this women did to her dog, and it is also very sad that the choice she made is causing her so many issues. I think that just shows how important it is to be cautious about what you decide to post online. --claudia anthony

  2. Social media has been a blessing on our generation, but it is also very dangerous. This incident just goes to show how careful you must be online.

    Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4

  3. There are things called muzzles that do exactly what duct tape does except it won't hurt coming off.
